Invest in resilient communities
A 2023 legislative win
Community Resilience Hubs
In 2023, it was no secret that Oregon’s emergency management services were stretched thin, and across the state, people of color, low-income, rural, and disabled communities were hit hardest in times of disaster.
We advocated for Community Resilience Hubs, a bill that implements community-building centers and networks that provide access to resources for vulnerable populations, are specific to communities’ needs, and provide a place for relief and community-building, before, during, and after climate disasters.
We are stronger together. Because we invested in building our communities, we are one step closer to creating the resources and connections needed to make it easier on all Oregonians the next time a disaster strikes.
Community Resilience Hubs passed the Oregon Legislature in 2023 and became the Resilience Hubs and Networks grant, managed by the Oregon Department of Human Services.
The Community Resilience Hubs coalition
Other 2023 legislative priorities
The TREES Act (HB 3016) - PASSED!
This bill creates a Community Green Infrastructure Grant Program at the Department of Land Conservation and Development to fund communities to develop projects that increase tree canopy, improve livability, and support water quality and conservation, all of which increases community resilience. Projects that are prioritized include school campuses, rights of way, projects with a workforce and economic development component, and projects in areas with low tree canopy or rural and remote areas.