Our WorK
We build power by uniting our members to craft policies that fight the bad and imagine the world we want to see.
Just Transition
Just Transition is a set of principles that build economic and political power to shift to resilient, regenerative and equitable economies from an extractive one. Just Transition describes both where we’re going and how we build the new.
Community resilience
Our 2020 listening led us to focus on recovery from and preparation for climate-related disasters such as wildfires, droughts, and floods. In 2023, we advocated for the creation of Community Resilience Hubs, essential infrastructure that protects our most vulnerable communities from climate harms.
Energy democracy
Energy democracy is a shift from the corporate, centralized fossil fuel economy to one that is governed by us, causes less environmental harm, supports local economies, and contributes to the well-being of all Oregonians.
In 2021, the Oregon Clean Energy Opportunity campaign was created to lower energy costs, support home upgrades that keep families healthy, and create quality jobs in clean energy.
Clean energy
Moving to clean energy and away from methane “natural” gas is a win-win-win for Oregonians. We advocate for building smart from the start, so new homes and buildings run on clean energy. We also support electrification and efficiency upgrades to make them healthier, more affordable, and better for the environment.
Healthy homes
Solving Oregon’s housing crisis is about keeping low-income families safely in their homes. In 2021, we passed the Healthy Homes Grant Program, funding that goes directly to essential home repairs to reduce medical costs and energy bills for low-income families. In 2024, we successfully funded the program again.
Oregon Green New Deal
link to oregon green new deal principles and listening tour
Housing justice
link to affordable housing 2023